We had New Years Eve this year at the lake. Andrea (Trevor's sister),
Ryan and their kids, George and Molly, along with Lorna, Lauren
and I, went to our cottage at Wakaw Lake. We burned a lot of wood
in our woodstove to keep the little, old cabin (and ourselves!)
warm. The kids are all pretty small, so we celebrated the New Year
Countdown with the people in Eastern Time zone. That way we could
send the kids off to bed before it was too late at night. Our party
had it all, shrimp rings, party hats, noisemakers, and even fireworks.
The Fireworks were very funny, as Trevor set them all up in the
snow on the lake, Lorna asked "Does it say how close together they
should be?". Trevor said "NO" and proceeded to light the first one.
Before we knew it, the whole bunch of them had all lit each other.
We started and ended with the "Grand Finale". Fifteen seconds of
glory and then it was all over. The kids thought the fireworks were
very cool except for Lauren, who was too worried about her daddy
to enjoy the show. We had a great time on New Years Eve, and we
sure hope you did too.
Wendy and George Conquergood are Trevor's parents. They are a driving
force behind our family business and also the glue that holds it all together.
It is wonderful to work together as a family, we see each other every
day. Andrea and Carl, Wendy and George's other two children, also work
in the family business. Outside of the office, we all have our own special
interests. George and Trevor like to watch football on TV when time allows,
however, Wendy has a very interesting life away from the office.
Wendy loves Tai Chi and she also loves learning about health. She
has been a vegetarian for 20 years and looks so young she can
easily pass for Trevor's sister. She realy enjoys her healthy lifestyle
and is delighted to share her knowledge with those who asks for it.
Wendy believes that the secret to vitality is a healthy diet and daily
exercise. Of course, Wendy also likes to enjoy life's pleasures, like
red wine and even bacon (just at special family brunches!). Wendy
believes that it's a balance in life that will provide harmony and
health. |
Wendy is an excellent teacher and has many groups that she teaches Tai
Chi. There are many health benefits to Tai Chi and it is an excellent exercise
for all people. Through her own business, Wendy promotes healty choices
and lifestyles. She calls it Harmony Health Holistics, her embroidered logo
is shown above. Wendy works with people with MS to help them to learn Tai
Chi as a way to help with muscle control and their general health. She has
a cardiac rehabilitation group. She even has a club of members that practice
and perform together. It is very beautiful to see her go through the motions
of the many "Forms" she knows. It looks so effortless and peaceful. Wendy
will tell you that Tai Chi is a moving form of meditation, and that by doing
Tai Chi, you will exercise your body, inside and out. See the pictures of
Trev's mom doing her Tai Chi? Doesn't she look beautiful? You can send Wendy
email if you like. Her address is wendy@broadwayembroidery.com. |