Ch127 Santa Border
8 colours, 70mm tall, 78mm wide and 6620sts
1) white 2) red 3) flesh 4) pink 5) white 6) silver 7) gold
8) red 9) burgundy 10) black

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Stitchitize® embroidery programs and designs are proprietary products of Stitchitize Embroidery Design Service and are protected by copyright law. Stitchitize retains title to and ownership of its programs and designs. Stitchitize grants to you a nonexclusive and nontransferable license to use its licensed programs and designs for purposes of embroidering or similarly affixing the designs onto any object. All other rights are reserved by Stitchitize, and no copying, reproduction, transfer or modification of the programs or designs may be made without the prior written permission of Stitchitize. Every effort has been made by Stitchitize to ensure that it has the right to license the programs and designs but Stitchitize does not warrant against third party claims. In the event of any third party claim, any remedy you have against Stitchitize shall be limited to the price originally paid to license the programs and designs. No other warranties, whether express or implied, are given. This product includes images from CorelDraw 9 which are protected by the copyright laws of the U.S., Canada and elsewhere. Used under license.
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